An exclusive, patented square design with a fifth side and large capacity produces thicker, faster blending and shorter customer wait times. Its extra-wide base, along with a more aggressive blade nearly 4-inches long, has helped the WildSide+ jar to raise the bar in the commercial blending category.
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Tengdar vörur
Linde datalisti 1000 1-way
635 kr.Passar með Linde hillukerfum. Listi fyrir miða.
Blendtec kanna BPA free wild side 1,4 lítra
45.757 kr.
RDC Hallandi Armur 40 cm með 12 rifum
2.344 kr.40 cm hallandi armur með 12 rifum.
50 stk í kassa
FKI Pylsupanna GL 6046
208.164 kr.