Aukahlutir, Hillukerfi
Linde skiptingaj.framan 625
2.212 kr. -
Aukahlutir, Innkaupakerrur
Öryggisbelti í innkaupavagna
3.222 kr.Buckle up!
SmartSafe is the new and revolutionary seat belt system from systec fitting onto almost any available shopping cart. SmartSafe provides more safety for children and a relaxed shopping experience for parents. SmartSafe effectively supports a child-friendly environment in stores, and this is what parents appreciate - safety for their children.
Wedo Hjólahnallur (Fílafótur)
16.483 kr.Wedo Hjólahnallur grár úr plasti, öruggur til að standa eða sitja á
- Dökkgrár
- Er á hjólum sem að gefa eftir þegar stigið er á hann
- Hæð 420mm
- Breidd (ummál) 445mm